One Account,
Infinite Adventures
No seed phrases. No extensions. Game on.
Introducing Ronin Waypoint
Your universal account to buy, swap and mint assets across Ronin.
Say Goodbye to Seed Phrases
Use your social login or email to access Ronin-no extensions, no seed phrases.
Instant In-Game Transactions
Fund your wallet and make on-chain purchases in seconds.
Gas-Free Gaming
Games and dApps can opt to sponsor network fees for you.
Strengthened Security
Stay protected from scams and phishing attacks with MPC technology.
Discover Ronin Games
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ronin Waypoint?

Ronin Waypoint is your universal account and keyless wallet in the Ronin ecosystem. It allows you to sign in without extensions or seed phrases, manage on-chain assets, and make in-game transactions across supported games and dApps on Ronin.

How do I register for Ronin Waypoint?
Are in-game purchases secure?
What do I do if I forget my email or password?
What if my Ronin Wallet isn't automatically linked to my Ronin Waypoint account, how do I link it?
I've logged in to Ronin Waypoint but I'm unable to make in-game purchases.
Can I link other wallets to my Ronin Waypoint account?